John Woollcombe

Tonbridge Parliamentary Candidate for the Liberal Democrats

John Woollcombe is standing for election in Tonbridge. He is the Liberal Democrat Candidate at the General Election on July 4 2024.

A qualified barrister and intellectual property specialist, John has a track record of over 35 years self-employed entrepreneurship in music, film, and TV. With high professional standards and a strong sense of duty of care, John also knows what it takes to bring up a family while being your own boss. John has lived in and around London and the South East all his life. An enthusiastic advocate on the environment, he was a trustee of ARK that launched the first environmentally friendly products in supermarkets in the 1990s.

John says “There’s huge apathy and mistrust of politicians today.  I too am more disaffected voter than personally ambitious politician.  I openly admit I haven’t followed a political career path.  Far from being a weakness I see that as a strength.

My reasons for standing are my passion for the environment and concern about climate change, my anger at the toxic political climate, scandals and incompetence of this government and my desire to present a credible alternative for disenchanted voters who feel they’ve been taken for granted.

I’m also worried about the growth of inequality and the rise of extreme views here and abroad”. 

John Woollcombe, Liberal Democrat Candidate for Tonbridge

John's Priorities for Tonbridge

What are John's priorities if he is elected as Tonbridge's MP?

The Environment

I care deeply about the future for the next generation including my own children and grandchildren. I see climate change not just as a challenge, but as an economic opportunity at the heart of Lib Dem industrial strategy with our commitment to invest in infrastructure, innovation and skills to create prosperity throughout the UK


Representing Tonbridge

I have 35 years experience representing individuals, companies and charities. I’m keen to use my lifelong advocacy, negotiating and problem-solving skills to improve things for constituents in Tonbridge including for example to make sure there is adequate infrastructure to meet plans for much needed affordable housing


Political Integrity

My personal mission is to bring honesty and a higher level of rigour and competence to politics both in Tonbridge and in Westminster. I want to add my voice to the Lib Dem chorus demanding a fair deal for all in society

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