Wates Proposed Development next to London Road
So, who has received the Wates Newsletter about the proposed development in East Malling north of the A20 and west of Winterfield Lane? We have highlighted this in previous editions of our Hotline and while these details have now emerged the full planning application is awaited although we expected that to be submitted any time now.
We are sure residents will have a lot to say about this and we anticipate that a public meeting will be held so that the detail of the application can be discussed and residents thoughts and concerns shared.
Although the scheme is marketed as Leybourne the site is wholly in East Malling. In view of the nature of the application we fully expect it to be decided by Councillors at the Area 3 Planning Committee of which Roger Roud and Michelle Tatton and Larkfield Borough Councillors are voting members. Leybourne Borough Councillors will be able to attend and speak but not vote. Nick Stapleton will attend as Borough Councillor for Leybourne.