Tonbridge Speedwatch
Since being elected to the council in May, Frani and Garry have received a number of complaints about speeding traffic on our roads. Most notably, along
● St Mary's Road;
● Quarry Hill;
● Priory Street and
● Pembury Road
We are investigating the possibility of asking the police if we can set up a Speedwatch in our area. Currently there are none in Tonbridge, although some of our villages operate such a scheme very successfully.
To start a Speedwatch Scheme in Vauxhall ward, we need to find volunteers who want to tackle speeding. There must be at least two people aged 18 and over at the roadside.
We will need to :
*Buy, share or borrow a speed indication device;
*Contact the Kent Speedwatch Team who will provide training and carry out risk assessments.
If you are interested and have the time to commit to this scheme, please contact Garry Bridge or Frani Hoskins at