Estate would ruin our rural rail station

Bellway have applied for planning consent for up to 90 homes with vehicle access off Swan St. on land opposite West Malling Station between the Station Approach road and Lavenders Road. West Malling Parish Council is working with local residents to oppose this application strongly.
The application would
* destroy the rural setting of the station,
* put more traffic onto the narrow and congested Swan Street and Lucks Hill,
* harm the setting of West Malling Abbey, which is a scheduled Ancient Monument enjoying the highest possible national protection for a heritage building, ranking alongside Stonehenge,
* harm Lavenders Road status as a Rural Quiet Lane
* Allow residents of the development to look directly into the grounds of West Malling Abbey which is home to the closed contemplative order of nuns and people on retreat, requiring a peaceful environment.
The application can be viewed on the TMBC website quoting ref. TM/18/020093/OA