Michelle Tatton
- Tonbridge & Malling Borough Councillor for East Malling
- Parish Councillor for East Malling & Larkfield
Michelle has lived in East Malling with her family for over 20 years, having moved to the area from north Kent. She was previously employed in the legal profession as a civil litigator, but left when her son was born. Once he had started school she returned to work part-time as the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to a local Parish Council with whom she is still employed.
Michelle's passion for getting involved and helping to deal with local issues grew quickly and she began looking at how she could help in East Malling. Her first step was to become a volunteer TMBC Street Monitor, helping with litter picking and liaising with the Borough regarding street issues.
In 2015 Michelle stood for election to Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council, although narrowly missed out on election at that time. This did not deter her and she remained committed to working with the local community of East Malling, her Lib Dem colleagues and the Parish Council.
She was very soon co-opted to East Malling & Larkfield Parish Council's Planning Committee and a short time later, after a casual vacancy arose, was co-opted to the full Council.
At the elections on 2nd May 2019 Michelle was elected as one of East Malling's two Borough Councillors, alongside Roger Roud, and was also elected to the Parish Council, both with very strong majorities.
Michelle very much enjoys working with other volunteers and supporting communities initiatives and has become involved with a number of community groups and projects. She is currently a Trustee and Chair of the East Malling Institute Hall, and Trustee and Secretary of the East Malling Centre. She is a Member of the East Malling Conservation Group, Treasurer to the Malling Action Partnership, and a Member of the St James the Great Academy Parent and Community Advisory Board. On a practical level, Michelle helps to co-ordinate volunteer efforts for the Clare Lake project, East Malling litter picking events, and East Malling Speed Watch, and is a Health Walk Leader for the Tonbridge & Malling Healthy Walks Scheme. On a wider scale, Michelle is the Chair and a Trustee of Space 2 Be Me, a charity working across West Kent and Maidstone that supports families with children and young adults with disabilities and additional needs.