Frani Hoskins

Frani Hoskins
- Tonbridge & Malling Borough Councillor for Vauxhall ward, Tonbridge
Frani is a retired local primary school teacher and was a Borough Councillor for 21 years. After a 12 year break, she has just been re-elected as member for Vauxhall ward in Tonbridge. Frani's other interests include music - both playing and listening. She plays the piano and recorder. Frani is chair of the Tonbridge U3A, attends a Speakers Club and helps to teach some of our local Syrian families English. She is also an active member of Friends of the Earth and is desperate to do what she can to help prevent climate change. In between all of that, she is privileged to look after her grandson two days a week.
Frani would like to change our society to be one where we all feel valued, listened to and have involvement in. That is her motivation for seeking election to the local Council, to make small local changes and help Tonbridge to become the town that people would like it to be.